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How often do you answer the phones directly?

Who answer you phone call when you are in this meeting?

How Qualified is your Support Team?

Critical Service: Receiving a dedicated Competent Service from your Realtor and their Skilled Support Staff should speak for itself. To have a Limited; 1/50th of the support you need could lose you Buyers and have the Buyers you do get, to be missing valuable information on your property features.


In my first year in real estate, I, Bill Coughlin vividly recall standing at the front desk when one of the office support staff answered the phone.

She said, 'I don't think Mr. Coughlin is in; I believe he may be on vacation. May someone else assist you?'   

           Okay, I said; THAT will never happen again!

We, the CoughlinTeam, consist of a Father and Daughter Team. This means you get the best of both worlds: the extensive support of a 40-year seasoned Realtor with Old-School Knowledge and work ethics, and Lisa my daughter, with fresh young blood, stronger social media skills, and youthful enthusiasm.

We have a full-time, 16-7-year-experienced support staff available from 8 AM to 10 PM in case we are in meetings. Our single phone number, 778-374-3744, serves as the Command Center for both calls and texts and is answered by myself, Lisa, and my very experience Support Staff. (Please note that our support service on Sundays is limited returning calls every 3 hours )





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