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What are the average Days On Market for your sales?

If they price their homes within the actual market, they should be selling 8-9 days.

Another strategy is that they price their homes 10 % too high and then they do several price reductions to get he price down that 10% and now it take 3 months to sell.

Remember that you do not want to hear that them say that they sold some homes in the 1st day or two. This is a TERRIBLE service if they actually do sell in the first day, then you the seller just missed the other 90% of the buyers that had NO Chance to pay you more money.

How many of your listing expire?

Critical Skill: An accurate home evaluation is critical for you to plan your next move!

What if the agent does not know your home’s real value and overprices it? You could end up taking too long to sell. In a falling market, your listing could become stale-dated, and with just one low offer, you could leave $100,000 on the table.



At CoughlinTeam,

we continue to study our 12,000 buyers from the past 40 years.

It takes 9 days to reach 95% of the buyers.

A week on the market and a full open house are required to achieve full exposure to all

Auction marketing then works to create multiple offers, pushing your price as high as

With 9 days of exposure, we have seen sale prices increase by an average of 8.7% over
        the list price.






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