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How many homes have you Sold? 

How long have you been a Realtor?

This will give you an idea of their experience and selling skills.


Are they just learning their selling skills on your listing?


Many Sellers initially pick a neighbour or the kids babysitter as their first Listing Agent.


When over 9,000 Realtors did not sell a home in 2023, this time they really want an Agent that can get the job done.


When sellers list a second time they usually interview the most professional agents they can find.


Critical Skill: The more Sales Experience your Agent has, the more Negotiation Skills to get you the highest sale price.

A timid negotiator will cave on your counteroffer and easily have lose you tens of thousands of dollars. You want someone to fight for your every penny.



At CoughlinTeam we bring over 40 years of Real Estate Marketing experience to the table.


I have Sold over a 1,000+ Homes and am comfortable in the top 1-2 percent of the Top Producers in the Lower mainland.


I, Bill Coughlin, am personally amazed at how much more I have learned in the last 5 years of my career.


Our Goal is always to provide the:

“Best, Most Effective, High Integral Service” in the Industry!





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