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How did you determine what is my house worth?

Did you contact our competition?

Did you talk to the Agents of the neighbours with similar Recently Sold Homes?

How many buyers did they have?

How many offers did they receive?

What was their home condition?

Did they spend $200,000 on recent renovations?

Was their sale price up or down from the asking price. Why?

Did you ask the same questions to the Agents of the Current Listed Homes?


Critical Skill: An acurrate Home Evaluation is CRITICAL for you to plan your move! 
         What if the Agent does not know the real value and underprices your home and you lose a $100,000!  

         What if the Agent overprices your home and you end with one poor offer and losing a $100,000!  


We at CoughlinTeam pride ourselves on our extremely accurate market analysis to give you the facts of your home value and its forecasted value. We want you to be accurately informed so you can make educated decisions.

It is a real challenge to get a competitor listing agent to give up any information as to how well or poorly their listing is going.

Having built relationships with fellow realtors for 40 years, I do get the information we need to understand our competition. For example, how many showings did you get? How many offers, if any? Did they spend $150,000 on renovations? What is your home condition? What is your realistic value?

I am unaware of any other agents that would make the effort to contact our competitors’ active listing agents to find out their activity levels.

We do not buy listings by supporting your value if it is unrealistic.

Note: A good friend, a very top realtor tells me that he asks the client what they think their house is worth. Then he says, “Well, let’s give it a try.” Then over the next few months, he does multiple price reductions until it is finally in the correct marketplace.





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