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Do you have access to the Investors?


About 50% of all homes- condos in the lower mainland are owned by investors.

Foreign investors that have parked their Trillions of dollars in Canada and the Pension funds and individual investors are all serious buyers.

I’m not aware of any Realtor that focuses on the investor crowd and would be surprised if any Agents had a list beyond 20 investors.


Critical service: How is any Realtor going to contact all the major investors if they don’t have their emails and phone numbers? Just counting on the MLS leads will lose you the vast majority of the investors and reduce your offers and sale price.



We at CoughlinTeam and our Vancouver Real Estate Investors Group have gathered all the investors over the last 40 years.

If your home matches our Investors, we directly contact them with your Home Movie.

These extra buyers eyes on your property can dramatically add to extra showings, offers and a higher Sales Price. Thus putting “More Money In Your Pocket”!

History: In 1982 I, Bill Coughlin went to Abbotsford City Hall and created the 1st Investors Group.


I found all the absent landlords for all the rental homes in Abbotsford , since then I have collected every Investor since.


To the best of my knowledge our Vancouver Real Estate Investors Group will be the largest Investor group in BC.


These investors have the Cash.


This exposure to the largest Fraser Valley Investor’s group is far beyond the typical MLS leads.





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