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What is the Most Listings do they have at one time?


Some agents may have 10-50 listings at a time, which means they have to split their dedication to you into 1/50th of their time.

That would make me very unhappy!

Their concept is often, if only 10% of the listings are selling.

Then I want 50 listings so I will sell 5.


I often hear people often complain that after they listed, they never saw their Agent again.

Critical Service: Receiving a dedicated Competent Service from your Realtor and their Skilled Support Staff should speak for its self. To have a Limited; 1/50th of the support you need could lose you Buyers and have the Buyers you do get, to be missing valuable information on your property features. 


At the CoughlinTeam, on average, we sell one house every one to two weeks


That means we try and do one featured home per week.

This ensures you receive our dedicated focus with two Realtors and an educated support staff.


Typically, we avoid having more than 5 listings at a time!


We never plan on 90% failure rate, but ALL of them are to be SOLD!

History: Being a full-time Realtor is a very demanding job. I remember missing every single supper at home during October during my first year in real estate. I recollect that I rarely tucked my two daughters in bed as I was always working late.

I have really counted on my wife and skilled support staff to help answer the phones and do admin work when I am in a meeting. This Skilled Support allows me to give 100% of my time to my client in hand. This level of dedicated service that you deserve is impossible to provide with more than 5 listings.





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