Did you Try   ... and Not Succeed
in Selling your Home?

If you did, you were one of just many 1,000's of homes which were marketed but did not sell in
Greater Vancouver last year.

To put that into perspective, that means that  ~40% of all Property Listings in the Greater Vancouver Area, Expired without Selling or were Terminated and/or Canceled in frustration.  WHY?

Selling Real Estate has changed dramatically over the past few years.  Those Realtors who have not updated their skills and approach to marketing are simply putting their clients behind the eight ball.  

Are you Serious about Selling?

We search out, and work with Sellers who sincerely want to sell their property.

Those Sellers who want to base their decisions on Facts ... not Opinions.

Today’s Marketing Tools to reach the largest markets, not Yesterday’s Tools which are fast becoming obsolete. 

Those Sellers who want to work with Professional Realtors who know how to get the job done ...and will tell you truths in Successful Marketing.

We will design a Personalized Innovative Marketing Program for you; just as we have for each of of our Sellers. We provide  Maximum Exposure Advertising, Accurate Market Analysis, along with many Specialized Innovative Marketing Programs … all designed to bring Pre-Qualified Buyers immediately to your door, and Put More Money In Your Pocket.

Your Home Deserves a Second Chance!

Give us one hour and we will show you  how we can sell your home in a timely manor and Put More Money In Your Pocket.

Pick up the phone and call 
778-374-3744 Today!


     How are we any Different?

You will be SHOCKED.. when 4,100+ Realtors in the Lower Mainland did not sell a single home last year, the SOLDin36Days Program really does make a BIG Difference! 

When we offer a 36 day Guarantee you are probably saying to yourself ...    ...Sure anyone can give a home away at a Discount Price!

You are absolutely right to think that, I would too, but the facts are...
We actually Put More Money in Your Pocket!! 

In just 20 minutes we will really show, astound you, with the many many unique extra SOLDin36Days services.

You will see how Extra Exposure, Extra Home Display and Realtors/Buyer Incentives really do work very well to sell your home "Putting More Money In Your Pocket" and be
SOLDin36Days too.

We are a Team of full-time Most Referred Real Estate Agents and Assistants from multiple Real Estate companies; covering every area of the marketing and sale of your home throughout the Lower Mainland. We specialize in providing innovative service that will sell your home faster and for more money than other homes on the market. That means more money in your pocket  - a lot quicker.


Soldin36days Team sets records?   


Bill shares his secrets on how to make money in this R.E. market.

A moving Market either Up or Down creates great opportunities to gain extra equity.

How did Bill manage to sell his home at the exact top of the market... what was his secret?

Hindsight is always 20/20, but now with my secret Market Trend Indicator, MTI, you can better understand the market projections and earn money in both Up and Down Markets!   details

Get paid for your neighborhood, not just for your home!

Neighborhood profile movies can really increase your selling price and they are a new service to help you, the buyers and all Realtors.   

Hear how many purchasers have out of town agents who don't know the neighborhood, and how you can get a higher sale price. details

  let's do Coffee! details

 Bill Coughlin
"Realtor and Lifestyle Consultant"
Re/Max City Realty

778.374.3744 direct       1-888-539-4664 Toll free                    
[email protected]



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